
11th Auction on Special Number Car Plates Begins on Metrash 2

11th Auction on Special Number Car Plates Begins on Metrash 2 By Iman Abdalla - May 23, 2022

MOI Headquarters

The General Directorate of Traffic at the Ministry of Interior MOI has announced that the 11th electronic auction for premium car plats numbers has begun via Metrash 2 app. 

The Traffic Directorate, via its official Twitter account, said that the auction is open from May 22-25 from 8:00 am - 10:00 pm.

To check the starting prices of the auction and the special numbers, visit the link

The Directorate revealed that the sold plate numbers at the auction should have the FIFA world cup logo. In addition, the displayed numbers at the auction will be classified into two separate categories with a separate security deposit for each.

If there is a bargain at the last 15 minutes, it will be extended to another 15 Minutes for the number bid on only. The process continues until the final 15 minutes of the previous auction.


-Whoever wins the auction (the bidder with the highest amount) must get in touch with the General Directorate of Traffic within four working days from the auction's closing date.

-If the bidder withdraws from payment, the security deposit will be forfeited.

-If a bidder wins more than one special number, none of them will be granted until they pay the entire amount for the special numbers they won.

-Payment can be made by cheque issued in favor of (Special Numbers) or using a credit card.

Source: Al Sharq

By Iman Abdalla - May 23, 2022

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