
367 children in Singapore infected with COVID-19 so far, including 172 with Delta variant

367 children in Singapore infected with COVID-19 so far, including 172 with Delta variant By Nidhul - September 14, 2021
367 children in Singapore infected with COVID19

Children running to the playground


SINGAPORE: Singapore has had 367 COVID-19 pediatric cases to date, including 172 who were infected with the Delta variant of the virus, said Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary in Parliament on Tuesday (Sep 14).

In all, children below the age of 12 accounted for 0.6 per cent of all local infection cases in Singapore, said Dr Puthucheary in response to questions from Members of Parliament Dr Tan Wu Meng (PAP-Jurong) and Mr Yip Hon Weng (PAP-Yio Chu Kang).

Of the children who were infected, 50 cases were aged zero to one, 83 were between two and four years old, 76 were aged five to six, and 158 were between seven and 12 years old.

None of them developed severe illness requiring oxygen supplementation or ICU care, said Dr Puthucheary.

Children under the age of 12 are currently not eligible for COVID-19 vaccination in Singapore.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said at a multi-ministry taskforce press conference on Sep 3 that vaccinations for these children could start early next year after trials are completed and regulatory approval is given.

By Nidhul - September 14, 2021

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