
5 Reasons Why Every Workplace Should Have Fire Extinguishers

5 Reasons Why Every Workplace Should Have Fire Extinguishers By Sylvia Hopkins - February 23, 2022
 Fire Extinguishers

Fire Extinguishers

A fire could spread quickly. Thus, calling a fire department office is the first thing you must do to ensure that there will be help on the way and to help control its spread. Firefighters are trained professionals who could help in fire accidents, whether big or small, but if there are instances that the fire is manageable, you could try putting out the fire through the use of a fire extinguisher. 

A fire accident may happen anytime and may cause severe damages or injuries. It can also kill hundreds of people in one accident that spreads quickly. Not all properties or buildings have the potential to be rebuilt after being burnt down, which could also result in unemployment for most employees. 

In this sense, here are five reasons why every workplace should have fire extinguishers for their safety

Prevent Serious Casualty

If the fire is left unattended, it may begin to grow bigger and cause larger damages. For instance, files and other essential papers may turn ashes or burn essential items. Furniture, tables, and other items may also be severely damaged. 

Panicking will not help in times like this, and employees must be alert and knowledgeable of the fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers. Thus, investing in a quality fire extinguisher is a must-have.  Fire Extinguishers for workplaces are essential because employees could use them to put out the fire while waiting for the fire department to arrive and help them.

Save a Person’s Life 

Fire extinguishers may come in small sizes, but they are highly beneficial and contribute to a home or even an office’s safety plan. With the use of fire extinguishers, putting out small fires will be much easier and more manageable. 

When you are putting out a fire using fire extinguishers, you have to ensure that you are safe from the smoke and know if you have any accessible escape route you could run to if you fail to put out the fire. If the nature of your work requires you to stay in an office building, evacuate, especially when the fire is enormous, and call the fire department immediately. 

Although fire extinguishers may cause some dizziness, headache, or mild irritation to the throat when inhaled, a person will recover once they breathe fresh air. Know that these are normal effects when you inhale the content of a fire extinguisher.  

Aids a Person in Emergencies

Before anyone learns how to handle fire safety equipment, employees should be provided with how to use them properly and what to do during emergencies or accidents. If not, having the fire extinguishers at the workplace will be useless and a waste of money. 

There are always instructions stuck to the fire extinguisher on operating it. But still, learning about it increases the chances of survival and putting the fire out successfully without any additional damage. Employees must also undergo or be required to have a fire extinguisher education and awareness program to help them handle fire emergencies once it happens. 

One of the Most Known Fire Safety Equipment 

No matter where you are in the world, it’s not impossible that you have already seen a fire extinguisher placed somewhere. In this case, fire extinguishers are scattered along with various establishments and buildings, making many people aware of its purpose to stop a fire. 

Anyone who needs a fire extinguisher will not have a hard time finding one because it’s accessible and effective in putting out small fires. Not to mention, fire extinguishers are movable apparatus, making them handy. 

Easy To Operate 

Some people find it hard to avoid panicking in times of emergency. In this sense, the great thing about fire extinguishers is that they are easy to operate. Still, a person should have proper fire safety training, be alert, and be strong enough to use any fire equipment to ensure safety and proper usage. 

Most of the fire extinguishers could be used following the P.A.S.S. technique. The acronym P.A.S.S. stands for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep, which are all the necessary steps to remember when properly operating a fire extinguisher. 

Usage of Fire Extinguishers – Fire Extinguisher Singapore

In this sense, the content of the extinguisher will be discharged properly and kill the fire. All staff in the workplace must be able to undergo training on how to use a fire extinguisher so that risk may be lessened and there will be a higher chance of survival and lesser damage. 

Final Thoughts 

No one wants to experience being in a fire accident, but things like this could happen sometimes. This is why employees, staff, and most people must be aware of how to use the most common fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers to lessen the damage that it may cause. You can refer to the reasons mentioned above if you’re wondering if fire extinguishers should be present in a workplace. 

By Sylvia Hopkins - February 23, 2022

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