
Arab League Underlines Need to Developing Immigration-Related Policies

Arab League Underlines Need to Developing Immigration-Related Policies By Josephine Justin - December 04, 2022
Arab League Underlines Need to Developing Immigration Related Policies

Arab League Underlines Need to Developing Immigration-Related Policies

The League of Arab States has asserted its continued pursuit of coordination with Arab Member States, work on everything that would develop knowledge and raise awareness of the various aspects of migration, develop related policies, enhance Arab participation in all relevant global events, and support communication with Arab expatriates.

The Arab League said in a statement on the occasion of the "Arab Expatriate's Day" that this year's celebration comes at a time full of international and regional challenges, as the world has not yet recovered from the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has exacerbated the crises the world is going through.

Arab region is one of the regions threatened by the great impacts of climate change and undermining development, the Arab League stressed.

The statement also underlined the dire need to shed light on the relationship between climate, migration and development, anticipate future scenarios, identify potential hotspots for internal and external migration, adapt to climate induced migration and mitigate its negative effects, and support flexibility and adaptation to these changes.


By Josephine Justin - December 04, 2022

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