
Daily working hours for people with special needs reduced by an hour

Daily working hours for people with special needs reduced by an hour By Darlene Regis - July 18, 2022
Daily working hours for people with special needs reduced by an hour

New working hours of people with special needs in Qatar

The Civil Service and Governmental Development Bureau in Qatar has announced that the daily working hours for people with special needs have been reduced by one hour, as per Executive Regulations of Civil Human Resources Law No. (15) of 2016.

The CGB posted a clarification on their Twitter account, that the daily working hours for people with special needs are to be reduced by one hour. This will allow them to come 30 minutes after the official working hour starts and leave 30 minutes before the end of the official working hour as per Article (73) of Executive Regulations of Civil Human Resources Law No. (15) of 2016 AD.

Source: CBG

By Darlene Regis - July 18, 2022

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