
Eat Your Way To a Better Night’s Sleep

Eat Your Way To a Better Night’s Sleep By shahbazahmed - February 09, 2021
Eat Your Way To a Better Night Sleep

Eat Your Way To a Better Night’s Sleep

Who doesn't feel good on waking up well-rested and energized, after a good night's sleep? Everyone wants to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep. A Purple mattress offers comfort and support leading to a restful sleep. Many people rarely enjoy a restful night's sleep consistently, and this may be related to the foods they eat during the day-time. Bad eating habits - what you eat and when you eat - can greatly impact the quality of sleep you enjoy as well as its length. If not addressed this problem may turn into a major challenge. 

Whenever you have poor sleep at night, the foods you consume the following day to boost your body may be the same foods affecting your ability to enjoy better sleep. 

Let's see what happens. Whenever you experience poor sleep at night, it affects your natural hunger hormones and this makes you feel the urgency to eat. Snacking more is a major habit of people who don't sleep well, and they usually consume caffeine and sweets to keep them going during the day. The problem is that caffeine may interfere with your ability to sleep during bed-time. Sugary foods may boost your energy big time, however, they're likely to increase your blood sugar, and you'll have to start the process again. 

So, if you need to enjoy a good night's sleep all you need to do is eat well. When you eat the right foods during the day, you'll probably have no problems sleeping at night. 

How to Eat the Right Foods to Sleep Tight 

Moderate your dinner portions. Sleeping with a super full stomach is uncomfortable and can result in indigestion, which is likely to interfere with your sleep. Again, if you had a skimpy dinner, wake up in between the night feeling very hungry. 

Make sure not to overdo the proteins and fats during dinner. Fatty foods take more time before they can be digested, and on the other hand, proteins contribute to the productions of chemicals in your brain that keep you alert. Meals with low fats are digested fast, while healthy carbohydrates lead to the production of brain chemicals that help you relax and fall asleep. Rather than focusing more on proteins, add more healthy carbs, wholemeal grains, fruits, veggies, and beans to your meal. Include only a small amount of proteins. 

Be cautious of your caffeine intake. If you're a regular drinker of caffeine, you may not have any problem falling asleep even though you have a cup before sleep. However,  caffeine is known to be a sleep disruptor. You may fall asleep but probably won't be able to stay asleep. If this happens you'll find it difficult to enjoy a restful sleep. 

An expert tip, don't overdo the drinks in the evening. If a full bladder interferes with your good sleep, reduce the fluid intake after dinner. Take most of the liquids during day time, rather than having them at night when you're about to sleep.

By shahbazahmed - February 09, 2021

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