
Ehteraz App Now Updated with New Features

Ehteraz App Now Updated with New Features By Qatar Day - November 02, 2021
Ehterz App Updated

Ehterz App Updated

It's time to refresh your Ehteraz application as there are new features added on its latest version.

On its recent update, the app now provides details including:

• Your health card number

• Date of your last Covid-19 test

• Result of your last COVID-19 test

For those who recovered from the coronavirus (COVID-19), the updated interface will show the recovery date, the date infected, and the number of days after the infection.

In many places, recovered individuals get the same ease of entry like the vaccinated people. 

Your health status remains in the app and it is still reflected through the QR code on the health status page. If you are fully vaccinated, the QR code in your Ehteraz app, will be highlighted with a golden frame.

By Qatar Day - November 02, 2021

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