
Filipino expat sets Guinness world record for fastest crossing of Qatar on foot

Filipino expat sets Guinness world record for fastest crossing of Qatar on foot By A Robin - May 04, 2023
Romil Putong Abule

Romil Putong Abule

The fastest crossing of Qatar on foot (male) is 1 day 8 hr 59 min, and was achieved by Romil Putong Abule (Philippines) in Doha, Qatar, on 20 October 2022.

Romil wanted to achieve this record as a challenge for himself and to be an inspiration to others, especially his family. He left the Philippines in 2012 and upon arriving in Qatar, took up running as a distraction from his home sickness. This was the start of his sporting journey and the next thing he knew, he has been doing it throughout the past 10 years.

His goal is to be recognised as one of the best Filipino runners in Qatar.

By A Robin - May 04, 2023

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