
For the last five years, Qatar has been the third-largest importer of arms worldwide

For the last five years, Qatar has been the third-largest importer of arms worldwide By Mohamed Suhaib - March 16, 2023
Image just for illustrative purpose

Image just for illustrative purpose

According to a report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Center, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt were three of the top 10 global importers of weapons and arms in the five years prior 2022. (SIPRI). Qatar has risen from sixth to third place since 2018. The country's imports increased by 311% when the data from the two time periods were compared.

Qatar made purchases in 2022 that included ships, missiles, naval weaponry, sensors, armored vehicles, and aircraft. For the last five years, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Australia, China, Egypt, South Korea, Pakistan, Japan, and the United States were the top 10 arm importers worldwide.

By Mohamed Suhaib - March 16, 2023

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