
GWC raises foreign investors ownership limit to 100%

GWC raises foreign investors ownership limit to 100% By Anna Pais - July 13, 2023
GWC raises foreign investors ownership limit

GWC Headquarter

GWC is proud to announce that it is one of the first companies in Qatar to increase the foreign investor ownership percentage in the organization’s capital to 100%. This milestone development was achieved after receiving the approval of the honorable Council of Ministers session which was held on 17 th May 2023.

Speaking about this, Hicham Nedjari, CFO, GWC said, “It gives us an immense sense of pride to be one of the first companies in the country to extend the ceiling of foreign ownership to 100%.

Mr. Hicham Nedjari, CFO - GWC

In keeping up with the Qatar National Vision 2030 and promoting economic development and diversification, we believe this advancement is a recognition of the integral role foreign investors play in Qatar’s economy.”

The decision to amend was approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly and the amended system was issued and published in the Official Gazette.
In addition to this, the company will be disclosing their half-yearly financial results on the 25 th of July 2023, for the period ending 30 th June 2023.

Gulf Warehousing Co. (GWCS) is one of the leading logistics company in the Middle East and in less than 20 years, GWC has become a major logistics services provider in Qatar and across the region. Its state-of-the-art logistics infrastructure spanning more than 4 million square meters have been setting standards in the industry.

By Anna Pais - July 13, 2023

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