
Getting Work Visa after receiving an offer letter

Getting Work Visa after receiving an offer letter By Ruchi Singh - October 25, 2017

Qatar work visa

A work visa is needed in Qatar if you are a family member, partner or someone planning to work. To get the visa processed, you will need a Qatari national to be your sponsor. All businesses in Qatar are owned by citizens and your employer works as your sponsor. A foreign worker can work only for their sponsor.

Getting a work visa in Qatar can be a tough and long process. There are a number of steps to follow and many documents should be made available to avoid delay in getting the visa. There is a list of procedure to get ready for the application procedure. 

Stage 1. All non-nationals entering Qatar for work must be sponsored before being permitted in the nation, it is normal that your employer acts as your sponsor.

Stage 2. Your employer will be your sponsor and it will be his responsibility to complete all paper work with the Ministry of Interior for your visa and residency permit. 

Stage 3. Before coming to Qatar, your educational certificates (degrees, diplomas and other declarations), marriage certificate and police clearance should be verified by your domestic Foreign Affairs office and the Qatar embassy in your nation of origin. 

Stage 4. A temporary visa will be issued to you that will permit your initial entry into Qatar. 

Stage 5. Workers entering Qatar on an Entry Visa will be required to stay in Qatar until the Residency Permit is issued. 

A number of documents will be needed prior to traveling as below:

- Signed and dated offer letter from your employer 

- Valid Passport 

- All your degrees, diplomas and certificates

- Official police clearance

- Marriage certificates

- Medical records 

Please note that these requirements can be changed and it is recommended to check changes at the Visa Section of the Qatar Embassy of the country where you currently live. Qatar has clear labor rules that works on protecting the rights of employees and also in the interest of employers.

By Ruchi Singh - October 25, 2017

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