
HMC processed more than 2 Million Blood Samples in 2023

HMC processed more than 2 Million Blood Samples in 2023 By Fathimath Nasli - February 12, 2024
HMC processed more than 2 Million Blood Samples in 2023

Hamad Medical Corporation conducted more than 21,686,820 laboratory tests in 2023

The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (DLMP) at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) offers national laboratory testing services, conducting more than 21,686,820 laboratory tests in 2023. Among these, over 2 million tests involved blood samples.

A recent inaugural Advancing Immunohematology Skills and Advanced Wet Workshop aimed to boost the Immunohematology skills of Transfusion Medicine laboratory staff, ensuring the highest quality transfusion care for patients.

Conducted by International Transfusion Medicine experts from the Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM), the three-day professional development activity included hands-on workshops where participants practiced antibody detection and identification skills through practical exercises. The wet workshop allowed participants to utilize specialty products for complex immunohematology testing, enhancing their skills.

Professor Walid Al Wali, Senior Consultant, and Vice Chair for Clinical Pathology at DLMP delivered the welcoming speech. Dr. Sara Adel Salim, Head of Transfusion Medicine at HMC and organizer of the workshop scientific program, emphasized the commitment to promoting cutting-edge technologies and best practice methodologies in transfusion medicine.

Dr. Aysha Al Malki, Executive Director of the Transfusion Medicine division at HMC and Chairperson of the workshop Scientific Planning Committee, highlighted the importance of the professional skills training to minimize the risk of transfusion reactions. She stressed the significance of routine antibody detection in the blood bank laboratory and the workshop's goal to enhance technical expertise.

DLMP manages the Qatar National Blood Donation Services, the sole organization responsible for blood supplies in Qatar. The department holds accreditation from the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapy (AABB) and the College of American Pathologists (CAP), the global gold standard for laboratory diagnostic services.

Dr. Al Malki, also the President of the Arab League for Blood Transfusion Services (AABTS), explained that the workshop aimed to enable staff to use the best techniques for studying antigens and antibodies in Red Blood Cells (RBC) associated with blood transfusions, streamlining efficiency to meet growing demand.

Dr. Javed Akhter, Vice Chair of Operations of Laboratory Services in the Department and Chair of the Scientific Planning Committee, highlighted the workshop's significance as a milestone for HMC. He emphasized the commitment to being a Center of Excellence for learning and knowledge sharing in the professional community, providing a forum for updates on discoveries in Immunohematology.

Source: The Peninsula

By Fathimath Nasli - February 12, 2024

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