
Heavy Penalties Proposed in Qatar for Anyone Caught Using Phone While Driving

Heavy Penalties Proposed in Qatar for Anyone Caught Using Phone While Driving By Darlene Regis - July 14, 2021

Heavy Penalties Proposed in Qatar for Anyone Caught Using Phone While Driving

Driving while 'intexticated' — when your mind is focused on things other than the road, your chances of having an accident increase. 

Using your phone while driving is not only illegal, it’s highly dangerous. In Qatar, specialists and citizens stressed the high risk of excessive speed that often leads to fatal accidents.

Car accidents took lives far too soon for children as a result of reckless driving by some motorists. These cause pain and sorrow in the hearts of parents, leaving psychological wounds that are difficult to heal over time.

In a survey for Al-Sharq, members of the society pointed out that the reasons behind those accidents are any of the following:

• Young drivers who are under the influence of social media

• Phone preoccupation while driving


Here are some of the suggestions by those who participated in the survey:

• To raise the age of obtaining a driver's license to over 20 years so the vehicle driver would be more mature

• To guide parents about raising young people on positive and calm behaviors in dealing with vehicles

• To intensify traffic awareness among young people

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) reiterated the importance of minimizing distractions while driving to reduce the risk of accidents, with a video to raise awareness on road safety.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) reiterated the importance of minimizing distractions while driving to reduce the risk of accidents, with a video to raise awareness on road safety.

MoI calls on all motorists to adhere to the following:

• Don’t use your mobile phone when driving.

• Remember that it is illegal to talk on a mobile phone without a headset or an earpiece while driving.

•Talking on a mobile phone, even with a headset, may be dangerous in critical situations.

"The traffic awareness campaigns, intensification of patrolling operations and the execution of legal systems had significantly helped in reducing mobile phone related traffic violation, especially after the installation of security cameras in the streets to control violators," said a senior official at the General Directorate of Traffic.

In 2018, the Traffic Department and MoI launched a campaign with a slogan, “A Phone Call Could Cost You Your life,” It comes within the framework of the Ministry's interest in ensuring the safety and security of drivers and pedestrians and their property, and reducing the number of deaths and injuries resulting from traffic accidents.


The slogan comes in accordance with the provisions of Article (55) of the Traffic Law No. (19) / 2007, which obligates the driver of the motor vehicle not to use the mobile phone or any other device in any way that requires the use of hands for carrying or operation while driving. 


The Traffic Law has stipulated a fine of QR500 on the phone user while driving, using his hand, as well as on those who are engaged in watching any visible material from a television or other devices, with the objective of preserving lives and property. 


In 2019, the authorities continue to warn the public on not putting others' lives in dangers by using phone while driving.


By Darlene Regis - July 14, 2021

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