
Horse Riding Tips: Can You Ride With Arthritis

Horse Riding Tips:  Can You Ride With Arthritis By shahbazahmed - July 18, 2021
Horse Riding Tips

Horse Riding Tips: Can You Ride With Arthritis

What comes to your mind when you think about a horse? If I want to answer this question I instantly say Welfare!! 

It has been seen for many decades that this intelligent, friendly creature is playing a huge vital role in humans' life. But what if they became victims of Arthritis…. Can you still ride a horse with Arthritis? Read this guide to improve your farming experience.

Before, jumping straight into symptoms, and treatment, It's important to understand:

What is arthritis?

Let's understand arthritis in simple terms. Arthritis is an inflammation that induces pain and stiffness in the joint when flexed(bend) 

In horses, many kinds of arthritis are found but the most general and critical type of arthritis that mostly exists are Osteoarthritis(OA). OA is the most severe kind that results in the breaking down and destruction of cushioning cartilage. With this breakdown, the fluid of the lubricating joint loses and fails to provide a gliding surface during motion. 

This can result in joint pain and lameness in horses. That's quite depressing :( 

What are the main reasons for arthritis? 

Just like us, senior horses also have higher possibilities of getting arthritis. 

Several reasons are involved in catching arthritis. Although, some are mentioned below: 

One of the common factors includes stress or specific injury in any joint. Generally, it occurs in most of the weight-bearing joints of the body. 

Specific sports activities can also lead to the growth of arthritis in particular joints because of repetitive concussive procedures. 

How to prevent arthritis in horses? 

It's so important to make the right decision when it comes to horse care in every phase of his life because it will ultimately affect his chances of developing arthritis. 

Although there is no possible solution to preventing arthritis in horses of any age, there are other considerable possible strategies you can apply to reduce the risk and chances by protecting and taking proper care of your horse joints. 

Even though arthritis is depending on one condition, that's your horse's age, but in many cases, the factors that are mainly depending on how your horse is managed, fed, or ridden. 

Here are two easiest ways that would be beneficial to keep your horse away from this unwelcome disease or keep arthritis at a very manageable rate. 

Practically, these methods didn't need any sort of money or other expenses but will be very useful. So, here we go

DO: Maintain a proper diet 

Years before, a young horse is ready to be ridden, it's so important to focus on his diet. A good diet, in the beginning, plays a vital role when it comes to arthritis but, on the other hand, excess rate of vitamins, calories, and protein leads to developmental orthopedic disorderDOD). A collection of bone and joint abnormalities arise when the conversion of cartilage is disturbed. 

Unfortunately, many owners believe that they are providing the best feed but keep one thing in your mind if a youngster is still with her daw then they are already receiving enough nutrients through milk. So, no need for a high-nutrient diet, just basic nutrition is enough. 

Don't: Avoid forced Exercise 

The first 3 years for young horses would be more beneficial if managed wisely. You can use smart strategies on your young horse that will create a positive result on his musculoskeletal system lifetime. Studies have shown that a good amount of exercise will enable young horses to develop a greater bone density. This is one more helpful point of protecting his joints from arthritis... 

But, while keeping in mind good facts of exercise don't forget that forced exercises will be harmful to joints. One of the biggest blunders owners make is to make them exercise forcefully. Again, you need to recall that immature horse cartilage is still forming, these cartilage are weak, if damaged then have higher risks of never healing. Excessive exercise on immature joints will undoubtedly lead to arthritis later on.

Is Coping with arthritis is possible?

Here's the bad news for you. Currently, it's not possible to cure arthritis but the good thing is that treatment can slow the cycle of inflammation that brings further damage, ease the pain and ease the stiffness of joints

The right treatment of arthritis differs as it directly depends on the individual case. Your veterinarian is the best judge to decide what is best for your horse. Many medications help to reduce the pain and swelling in joints. 

1. Phenylbutazone (bute) is inexpensive and mostly used but not the best choice in long-term use as it may damage the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. It may be prescribed for one or two weeks. 

2. Firocoxib is also very effective as bute in terms of decreasing lameness associated with arthritis it may indicate great improvements in some areas like the range of motion. Firocoxib is a COX-2 inhibitor so it's probably less annoying in the gastrointestinal tract. 

3. A topical cream (SURPASS) also shows a good result on affected joints when applied directly on the skin because this product contains diclofenac sodium. Usually, surpass is specified for acute pains. 

4. Hyaluronic acid injections (HA) have also been used since the 1970s for injecting directly in the joints of an arthritic horse. As hyaluronic acid is the component of synovial fluid and articular cartilage. This injection results in an anti-inflammatory effect and also tends the body to develop more (HA) which thickens the synovial fluid and boosts cushioning ability in the joints. 

Recently, there are more than 80 horse arthritis supplements accessible in the market to support equine joints Heath but it's up to your horse's arthritic condition which one fits in his case.

Final Words 

With careful strategies, modern treatments it's now possible for many arthritic horses to live normally, and comfortably for many years. Although it's important to catch the disease in earlier stages in order to prevent further damages. Your main focus is to keep them as active as possible. In this case talk with your veterinarian. And yes you can ride a horse with arthritis 

By shahbazahmed - July 18, 2021

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