
Landscape Design Ideas To Create A Romantic Garden Walkway

Landscape Design Ideas To Create A Romantic Garden Walkway By Daniel Clark - October 10, 2018
Landscape Design Ideas To Create A Romantic Garden Walkway

Landscape Design Ideas To Create A Romantic Garden Walkway

When you have a big garden, it is right to choose a layout for your garden walkway. This improves the ambiance and helps to make a garden more beautiful. Spending some time and putting effort into planning and making a walkway can enhance the aesthetics of your house and garden.

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Create Your Walkway Design

The first thing to do is to create an outline of a walk around the garden. This stretches through the entire length and width of your garden. Trace a line of a path that covers and touches all corners of your garden.

Add a Bench and Arbor:

Now, break it into short pieces with center points connecting all these pieces. At these center points, place a garden bench. Custom pallets maybe utilized in adorning your garden. Here's a creative pallet design example to give you some ideas. Alternatively, if you have space, make an arbor or two. Sow a climbing plant to adorn this. An arbor makes a great addition to any garden. 

To get the best walkway designs you can use professional help of landscaping architects. On the other hand, you could do it by yourself if you have ideas. Now, pave the path with paving stones. This is going to take some doing.

An Alternative to Paving Stones:

Many house owners use pebbles for their garden path. You could line it with coping stones so that it has a neat appearance.

Add a Lateral Dimension With a Trellis
A garden is a gem that adorns a house. Spend time to make it sparkle, and you can spend many wonderful hours relaxing in it. It is a blessing to you and to your neighborhood. Make it great with a wonderful walkway and enjoy it. 

Creating separate spaces will spice up the environment. Set up one or two trellises along the walkway. Wooden structures give support to growing plants and make it look attractive if you use flowers. A trellis helps to create separate spaces in a garden.

One of the best walkway ideas is to use cinder blocks. Line the path with these blocks and raise them to the height you need. You can use them to create dividers that split your garden into smaller integral units. You can have vegetables on one side and flowers all around. Alternatively, plant some tulips in one corner and have the path lead to it.

Improve the View

People with a large garden can make a belvedere at one side of their garden. This allows them to command a view of the garden and the front yard. At the ground level, if you need more privacy, raise hedges or plant bushes that block the view from the road.

Plan on a bench on the sides wherever space is available. These are necessities, and one has to plan a walkway after one decides where to put these benches. It helps you relax in the garden.

Keep the path in an accessible line with the benches. If space is not available, you can do without a bench. But, lay the garden path in a neat way so you will always feel comfortable in the garden.

Brick or Ceramic Tile Walkways

Use of brick walkways is also common. You can pattern bricks in a crisscross manner or pattern them in squares. Bricks add color to the garden. They are easy to lay. You don’t need any skilled labor to lay bricks. If you choose ceramic tiles, then make sure there are enough gaps between tiles so you can embed them deep in the soil.

For those gardens with damp moss underfoot, a deck becomes imperative. You can create this raised platform at one end of the garden path. You can put chairs there, and have a coffee with a loved one. It is a wonderful way to keep insects off.

Moreover, you can create a deck to lead from your living room. Climb down from the deck to the garden path and you get an easy access to your wonderful, beautiful garden.

Set Up a Portico

If you have not yet done a portico, it is time to do it. This is a covered entryway from your house in the garden. Use a simple design for the portico. The aim of the portico is to give shelter when you enter or leave the house. You can apply this walkway idea with having a flowering creeper growing on it. This adds to the beauty to the garden; the house will look brighter for it.

When winter has done its bit, the garden waits for the spring to leap into bloom. It is time to walk along the garden path and plan what you must plant this coming season. It is always heartening to come back to a garden full of bright flowers and a lovely walkway that allows you to stroll down this colorful path.

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By Daniel Clark - October 10, 2018

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