
Qatar Ranked Second in World Paramotor Championship

Qatar Ranked Second in World Paramotor Championship By Fathimath Nasli - February 14, 2024
Qatar Ranked Second in World Paramotor Championship

FAI World Paramotor Slalom Championship

The Qatari team ranked second in the FAI World Paramotor Slalom Championships held for the first time in Qatar and the Middle East.

Organized by the Qatar Air Sports Committee (QASC) of the Joint Special Forces at Al Saad Square in Lusail, the ten-day event featured the participation of 14 countries.

HE Commander of the Joint Special Forces, President of the Qatar Air Sports Committee Staff Brigadier-General Jassim bin Ali Al Attiyah hailed the great milestone achieved by Qatar in the closing event, emphasizing that such achievements are not strange for athletes of air sports, since they have been accustomed to these tournaments and achieving milestones, affirming that the ambitions are rising from one tournament to the other.

The achievements in air sports always come from the superb support the wise leadership provides which dramatically helps promote the air sports, Al Attiyah confirmed, adding that the championship was very stellar and would be a launching pad for future accomplishments, he said.

For his part, QASC's Vice-Chairman Abdullah Saeed Al Mansouri said he was delighted with the great success made in the championship, along with the incredible results the team achieved after a powerful competition with the most prominent participants from around the world, emphasizing that the achievement was made by the huge support the team are receiving, along with the determination of athletes.

Executive director of the Championship Hazza Hamad Al Attiyah noted the distinguished level of the competition, in terms of organization and the great achievement made by the Qatari team, congratulating them for achieving the second rank.

Source: QNA

By Fathimath Nasli - February 14, 2024

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