
Qatar condemns the fatal shooting that occurred in Hamburg, Germany

Qatar condemns the fatal shooting that occurred in Hamburg, Germany By Mohamed Suhaib - March 12, 2023
The fatal shooting that occurred in Hamburg

The fatal shooting that occurred in Hamburg, Germany

Qatar denounced the shooting at a church in Hamburg, Germany, on Thursday, which left at least seven people dead, including an unborn child.

The Gulf state's foreign ministry issued a statement reiterating Doha's opposition to "violence and terrorism regardless of the intentions and causes."

Also, it emphasizes how strongly it opposes attacking houses of worship. The Ministry wishes the injured a swift recovery and extends condolences from the State of Qatar to the families of the victims as well as to the German government and people, according to the statement.

According to Reuters, which cited German police and prosecutors, a shooter opened fire at a Hamburg Jehovah's Witness worship center, killing a lady who was seven months pregnant and also took the life of her unborn child.

By Mohamed Suhaib - March 12, 2023

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