
What Are Your Salary Expectations? Here Are the Best Ways to Answer

What Are Your Salary Expectations? Here Are the Best Ways to Answer By Darlene Regis - March 04, 2021
What Are Your Salary Expectations Here Are the Best Ways to Answer

What Are Your Salary Expectations? Here Are the Best Ways to Answer

Salary – It is but one of the most dreaded topics by job applicants during the hiring process. 

While there may be no right or wrong answer, it's difficult to know what to say (and what not to say) when an interviewer asks, “What are your salary expectations?”

As your guide on your next interview, consider these Do’s and Dont’s in answering salary-related questions:


1. Offer a salary range based on your research.

You may check this list of salaries for jobs in Qatar by profession to get an idea.

Sample Answers:

-  "With my experience, skills, and certifications, I would expect to receive something in the range of Y QAR to Z QAR."

-  "I do understand that positions similar to this one pay in the range of X QAR to Z QAR and this is what I prefer to receive as well."

- "I'm open to discussing what you believe to be a fair salary for the position. However, based on my previous package, my knowledge of the industry, and my understanding of this work, I'd expect a salary in the range of X QAR to Z QAR. I'm open to discussing these figures with you."

2. Say you are flexible and give room for negotiations.

Try to skirt the question with a broad answer. This will show that you are willing to negotiate.

Many applicants are hesitant to ask for more money thinking it could cost them a job offer. However, you may be able to negotiate your way to a higher starting salary. Hold off on asking until you actually have an offer to consider.

Sample Answer:

- "My salary expectations are in line with my experience and qualifications and I am open to discussing your offer in this position."

3. Think about your current salary and give yourself a raise.

Using your current or previous salary as a starting point, think about what you would consider a fair raise from your previous wage. However, guarantee the employer you are deserving for such value. 

As an incentive for yourself to switch companies, ratchet up your current salary by as much as 15% to 20%.

4. Highlight your skills. 

Emphasize why you are a good fit for the position. Remind the interviewer why he or she should offer you a good salary in the first place.

Sample Answers:

 "Based on my 10 years of experience in this field, I would expect a salary in the range of Y QAR to Z QAR."

What if you have no previous work experience?

If you’re a first timer in applying for Doha Jobs in Qatar, chances are you will most likely be offered for a minimal rate. But, don’t let it stop you from negotiating. Let the employer know how you will contribute fresh ideas and work hard for your first job-to-be.

5. Only give numbers you’d be happy with. 

Make sure that you offer a salary range that can support yourself and your family. Calculate how much you need to earn to pay your bills to avoid getting underpaid.


1. Avoid telling one specific amount. 

This will make it seem like you're unwilling to negotiate. Try not to mention a fixed number until after the employer mentions it, so negotiation will be more in your favor.

2. Don’t be negative. 

If the employer offers an amount that seems insultingly low for you, learn to respond gracefully and ask if there is room to negotiate.

Why do interviewers want to know your salary expectations? 

- To know whether or not they can afford your help. 

- To see how much you value yourself and your work.

While it can be a little stressful to talk about money, you can manage this stress by preparing your answers to salary-related questions before making it to your interview. 

Remember: The amount you ask can make or break your chances of getting one of the jobs in Qatar Doha. Be prepared and good luck!

Any suggestions on how to ace your next job interview with the salary that you want? Share this article with your thoughts!

By Darlene Regis - March 04, 2021

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