
Who will be Qatar's Strongest Man in 2022?

Who will be Qatar's Strongest Man in 2022? By Iman Abdalla - March 10, 2022
Event Poster by AZF

An exciting edition of Qatar's Strongest Man 2022 to be held in Aspire Zone

Aspire Zone Foundation (AZF) is hosting the Qatar’s Strongest Man challenge to be held on Saturday, 19th March 2022, at 4:00 pm at Aspire Park. 

To qualify as Qatar’s Strongest Man and win the championship, participants will showcase their capabilities to the public, through a series of endurance and speed tests.

Once those endurance tests are completed, eight finalists will be going through five challenges. Amongst those challenges are:

Conan’s Wheel

Contestants lift and carry a 180kg bar on a rotating platform

Sandbag Lifting

Contestants take sand bags off a box and place them on high stands

Truck Pulling
Athletes pull a 6-tonne truck for 25m. 

Also, New to this version are two new challenges: Yoke Carry and Press Medley. 

The organizers believe these additions will increase enthusiasm and further contribute to the excellence of the contest.


By Iman Abdalla - March 10, 2022

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