
Why People Who Don’t Use Indicators While Driving Are MENACE to society

Why People Who Don’t Use Indicators While Driving Are MENACE to society By Abinaya Rajagopal - December 03, 2024
Why People Who Dont Use Indicators While Driving Are MENACE to society

Do you want to go left? Right? U-turn into another dimension? Bro, make a decision and maybe, just maybe, share it with the rest of us! 

I mean, how complicated is it? It has two directions, up and down. That’s it. You don’t even need a user manual, just a SINGULAR functioning finger.

But no, you’re out here treating your driving like some elaborate game of “Guess Who?” Is it the driver who’ll swerve left? Nope. Oh, wait, he’s brake-checking to turn right. Plot twist! Are we co-starring in a Fast & Furious scene you forgot to invite me to? Or do you just enjoy playing vehicular hide-and-seek with my patience?

What’s the thrill here? Is withholding your next move a power play? Does it make you feel mysterious? “Oh, I’m a wildcard driver. They’ll never know my next move.” 

Surprise buddy! You’re not Batman. There’s no Gotham crime wave waiting for your erratic lane changes. You’re just late to Lulu and too lazy to click a button.

And let’s talk about the ripple effects. When you ghost your indicator, you’re not just messing with the person behind you, you’re introducing CHAOS into an otherwise semi-functioning society. Imagine if everyone operated this way. 

Random mid-sentence pauses. 

Unannounced meetings. 

Surprise! Susan from HR now pops out of bushes at work to deliver performance reviews. 

Life would be pure anarchy.

But hey, maybe you’re a trailblazer. Maybe you’ve decided that turn signals are for cowards. “I live dangerously,” you think, as you cut across three lanes without a blink. 

Except there’s nothing daring about making a minivan driver swerve like they’re auditioning for Top Gun. It’s not dangerous, it’s annoying.

So, to the non-indicator-using masses: Please. We’re begging you. Reclaim your humanity. Use your blinker. It’s not just about you, it’s about the rest of us trying to survive the morning commute without a heart attack. 

Because honestly, if you all keep this up, the only indicator you’ll see is the indicator of rage on everyone else’s faces.

By Abinaya Rajagopal - December 03, 2024

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