
Zakat Fund Provides QR 12.3 Million Aid in July

Zakat Fund Provides QR 12.3 Million Aid in July By A Robin - August 08, 2022


The Department of Zakat Fund at the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs provided aid worth QR 12.3 million during July 2022.

Around 400 families eligible for assistance have benefited from these aids within Qatar.

These aids include periodic and cut aids, all of which are paid by the Department of Zakat Fund for eligible registered families according to standards, Shariah regulations, and approved mechanisms.

These amounts were distributed between periodic assistance, which is provided on monthly basis, with the amount of QR 8.8 million, and the cut assistance, which is a one-time aid as needed, with the amount of QR 3.4 million.


By A Robin - August 08, 2022

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