
Class 9 Math – Syllabus and the Study Plan

Class 9 Math – Syllabus and the Study Plan By Jitender Jagga - January 06, 2022
Class 9 Math Syllabus and the Study Plan

Syllabus and the Study Plan for Class 9 Math

The CBSE board conducts its board exam for Class 10th and 12th and these are important years of students’ life. Class 9th is the foundation for Class 10th. Preparing for board exams starts from Class 9th. In Class 9th students have less stress about the exam than Class 10th. Hence, students have a chance to clear their basics in Class 9 before entering into Class 10th.   

Class 9th math introduces students to a plethora of new concepts which are foundation level for Class 10th. As many students know math cannot be learned in a week or month to get 100% marks. Hence, students need to start preparing for the exam at least 3- 4 months before. Before starting preparation for the exam, every student must have NCERT textbook Class 9 Maths, NCERT solutions like RS Aggarwal Class 9 Solutions Chapter-1 question banks, and sample papers. These things prepare the student to study for the exam constructively. In this article, we will discuss how to plan a strategy for Class 9 math based on the syllabus and paper pattern.


Class 9 math has many new concepts that were not in previous standards. The CBSE board has authorized the NCERT textbook for Class 9 math and includes every topic from the syllabus in an elucidated manner. It has a total of 15 chapters. Every chapter has a similar structure that has concepts, solved examples based on those concepts, and exercise questions. NCERT textbook Class 9 math has used simple language to explain complex concepts. Every chapter has a short information about scientists related to that concept. Every chapter has its own goals to make students familiar with its core concepts. Chapter Number System will introduce students to real numbers, irrational numbers, their operations, and laws of exponents for real numbers. Polynomial, Coordinate Geometry, Probability, Linear equations, introduction to Euclid’s Geometry, etc. chapters are the new topics introduced in Class 9. Whereas, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Constructions, these chapters revise concepts learned in previous standards and introduce advanced level concepts. Area of Parallelograms, Heron’s formula, Surface areas and volumes, statistics will test the problem-solving ability, analytical and critical thinking of the students by giving problems in context to the real world. Surface area and volumes will introduce students to different aspects of 3d diagrams. The syllabus of Class 9 math is inclusive of many concepts in one textbook but all the concepts are easy to learn by following the simple study plan given below -

Study Plan for the Exam

Strategizing is the simplest task at hand and executing the decided strategy consistently is the hardest task. Many students organize a proper timetable for the preparation of exams but they fail in following the timetable. Students should prepare a study plan by being practical, self-aware, and by not being so harsh on themselves. To make practically achievable and easy to follow study plans students need to consider how much time in a day they can accommodate to study math. Daily one hour is also enough to study math by having a slow and steady approach. Being self-aware is important. Students often follow what others have posted online or often follow what their friends have made a timetable for themselves. Blindly following these study plans from others might not be effective and will not yield any results. Being self-aware means knowing what are your strengths and weaknesses. If the student is good at geometry, then he/she must invest less time in geometry and must allocate more time to other subjects. Not being harsh on ourselves means not making study plans tiring. Every day I have at least 1-2 hours spare for leisure. In this time your mind can take rest from the study. It gives time for the brain to recover from tiring study hours. In this way, students should make a study plan for preparation. While making a study plan, keep in mind that there are other subjects too and they also need appropriate time.

One more thing to keep in mind while planning out a study plan is that doing an inclusive study on the topic. When studying for the new concept, study with the help of a textbook, NCERT solutions,a  and question bank. After learning a new concept, immediately solve problems related to that concept. This might need 1- 2 hours. Hence while planning a study plan keep suitable time for math.

Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes

• Be flexible with your study plan. That does not mean that students should skip studying for a day but the student must be able to change allocated time for a particular subject with others.  
• Do not invest your time in learning every concept from the chapter instead use it to solve as many questions as you can. Do not skip any exercise questions or even solve examples from the textbook. 

• Sample paper solving is important. After that, rectify the mistakes made on paper. Self-actualizing is the key to success. Keep track of the performance. It helps in evaluating the preparation done for the exam. While solving sample papers try to improve on weak parts of answer writing in the exam. If the objective questions’ part is weaker than practice those questions from the question bank more. If solution writing lacks some points, then practice those types of questions.

• Make notes but notes must be concise. Long notes are not useful and will just consume valuable time and energy. Hence make short notes that can help in revising every formula, theorem statement, and keyword from the textbook in a short amount of time.

• Do not skip any questions from the textbook. 70-80% of the paper is based on these questions from the textbook. Practicing these questions will save time during the exam and with more time in the exam answer writing can improve.


There are many strategies to follow for preparation for the Math exam but the only right strategy is the strategy that you feel is right for yourself. Math will need consistency more than innate smartness. Hence do not break the habit of studying it daily and you will easily get 100% marks in the exam.

By Jitender Jagga - January 06, 2022

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