
Doha ranks cheapest city in GCC for Expats

Doha ranks cheapest city in GCC for Expats By Joel Johnson - June 24, 2021

Doha City

According to this year’s Mercer cost of living survey, Doha has been ranked the cheapest city in the gulf region for expats. Among the listed 209 cities in the report, Doha city is ranked 130 this year coming down from 109 as compared to last year’s survey.

Places including Riyadh (29), Dubai (42), Abu Dhabi (56), Jeddah (94), Muscat (108), and Kuwait City (115) are some of the other gulf cities expensive for expats listed in the Mercer 2021 survey list. 

The top 10 cities according to the survey include Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), Hong Kong City (Hong Kong), Beirut (Lebanon), Tokyo (Japan), Zurich (Switzerland), Shanghai (China), Singapore City (Singapore), Geneva (Switzerland), Beijing (China), and Bern (Switzerland). Kyrgyzstan’s Bishkek city has been named the cheapest city of all in the survey report.

By Joel Johnson - June 24, 2021

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