
How to authenticate an employment contract without going to Government Service Centers?

How to authenticate an employment contract without going to Government Service Centers? By Qatar Day - October 14, 2020
Authenticate an employment contract without going to Government Service Centers

Authenticate an employment contract without going to Government Service Centers

Personally visiting the Government Service Centers of the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor & Social Affairs (ADLSA) with your credit or debit card to pay the required fees, and other necessary documents to authenticate your employment contract, is now a thing of the past.

Today, your company or an individual who has a smart card can have a workers' employment contract authenticated online.

An integrated digital authentication service for a multi-lingual employment contract using digital alternatives at all stages of the process without the need to visit Government Service Centers.

Terms & Conditions

• The service is available for digital authentication of companies’ labour employment contracts

• The company’s administrator bears full responsibility for the validity of the registered data and signatures of the contract through a mandatory digital acknowledgment under the digital service.

• The required attachments for the service mainly include the employment contract signed by both parties, as well as additional attachments that the system selects automatically according to the type of contract.


You will need the following for this service:

• A smart card to verify the identity of the facility’s official to access the service through the National Authentication System (NAS)

• A valid bank payment card to pay fees through the payment gateway, linked to Hukoomi website

• Complete the registration of the contract data for both parties, the worker and the employer, and print a copy of the contract extracted from the system in Arabic and the worker’s mother tongue language and sign it from both parties

• Upload the signed copy with the additional attachments and send the contract with the attachments to the Ministry for matching and verification

• After matching the contract, the facility’s administrator will pay the fees through the electronic payment gateway.

• After payment is made, digitally certified copies of the contract will be extracted.

For a complete guide in authenticating your contract online, download this pdf file.

This document will help you to understand how to use the digital authentication system for a multi-lingual employment contract and will show you its interfaces

After reading this guide you will be able to:

• Access the digital authentication system for the multi-lingual employment contract through e-verification of Hukoomi

• View establishment’s data

• View previous contracts for employees of the establishment (which were created through the system)

- Fixed Contracts: one year- two years- three years- four years- 5 years

- Open- ended contracts

• Understanding the mechanism of entering contract’s data

• Understanding how to view employee’s contract details after entering them through the system

• Understanding the mechanism of printing employees’ contracts

• Understanding the mechanism of uploading documents required for verification by the specialists in order to approve the authentication

• Understanding the electronic payment mechanism for the certification fees after the approval of the specialists on the contract’s content and the required documents

After completing the entire process, you now have an authenticated contract as shown on the form and approved by the ADLSA.

By Qatar Day - October 14, 2020

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