
Jon Snow set to return in 'Game of Thrones' sequel

Jon Snow set to return in 'Game of Thrones' sequel By Syed Murtaza - June 26, 2022
Jon Snow set to return in Game of Thrones sequel

Jon Snow's big comeback in Game of Thrones

A sequel to Game of Thrones has been announced. It will see Kit Harington reprising his role as the famous Jon Snow. 

This new HBO series will feature Jon Snow as he takes on the daunting task of relearning all that he has ever known according to The Hollywood Reporter. 

The series is set to pick up on where the Game of Throne’s finale left off. *Spoiler Alert* As per the season 8 of Game of Thrones Jon Snow finds out that his real name is Aegon Targaryen and he could possibly be an heir to the Iron Throne. The season closed with him returning to a simpler life back towards the north side of the wall. 

The return of Jon Snow begs the question, will we get to see other characters make their return too? Especially the ones with deep ties to Jon Snow’s story. Will we see Brienne of Tarth played by Gwendoline Christie, Arya Stark played by Maisie Williams and Sansa Stark played by Sophie Turner return to entertain us in this globally renowned series? 

Harington will be returning to familiar territory as he appeared recently as the lead in the National Theatre’s ‘Henry V’ and in Marvel’s Eternals.

This as of yet unnamed series joins multiple projects related to Game of Thrones currently in production. The projects include a play based on George RR Martin’s book series and a prequel series the House of Dragon, set 200 years before Game of Thrones. House of the Dragon is set to land on August 21, 2022. 

Can the world sustain so many shared universes? We will soon find out.

By Syed Murtaza - June 26, 2022

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