
New COVID-19 limitations go into effect

New COVID-19 limitations go into effect By Qatar Day - April 09, 2021
New COVID 19 limitations go into effect

New COVID-19 limitations go into effect

To combat the spread of COVID-19, the Cabinet has decided to reduce metro capacity by 20%, suspend all dine-in services at restaurants and cafes, and close barber shops starting Friday.

According to the resolution, mosques will stay open for regular and Friday prayers, but separate Tarawih prayers can only be held at home during the holy month of Ramadan. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to enter. Toilets and other ablution services will be shut down.

Social meetings would not be permitted in private residences or other enclosed areas. In open spaces, up to five vaccinated citizens will be allowed to meet.

Food can no doubt be served indoors or in open-air spaces by cafes and restaurants.

The Doha Metro will run at a nominal capacity of 20%, with service on Fridays and Saturdays suspended. Driving schools will remain suspended indefinitely.

The recent rules also mandated the closing of museums, cinemas, libraries, and nurseries, in addition to maintaining gyms, swimming pools, amusement parks, and spas closed.

Beaches and parks will remain closed to the public. Running and swimming are examples of individual sporting events that would be allowed.

Workplaces in the private and public sectors would be limited to 50% room. The remaining members of the team should be able to operate from home.

Traditional markets would be able to run at a higher output of 30%. Young people under the age of 16 are not permitted to enter. On Fridays and Saturdays, these markets will be closed.

Markets for wholesale goods will continue to run at a combined volume of 30%. Young people under the age of 16 are not permitted to enter.

By Qatar Day - April 09, 2021

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