
Latest Updates on Metrash2 App and MoI eServices You Need to Know

Latest Updates on Metrash2 App and MoI eServices You Need to Know By Darlene Regis - August 22, 2021

Metrash2 App and MoI e-Services Functions and Benefits

Today, an overwhelming majority of people in Qatar prefers accessing the Ministry of Interior (MoI) services electronically for obvious reasons — they are fast, convenient, and paperless.

Gone are the days that you have to travel long distances to process anything you need from the local authorities. Now, you can complete government transactions in just a few taps by using MoI’s Metrash 2 App and official website.

Transacting across local official entities with an integrated digital framework marks another major step towards making Qatar a smart city of the future — making life easier for all residents and citizens of the country by saving their time and effort.

Metrash2 App

The Metrash2 application offers the residents of Qatar an easy way to access MOI services through their mobile devices. Services like enquiring about official documents, creating and paying for individual/company exit permits, enquiring about and settling traffic violations, etc. are made available through an easy-to-use user interface.

Metrash2 was first launched in 2011. It is available for free. However, a user is required to first register for the service and then download and install the application on his/her mobile device to use use the service.

Metrash allows to operate with MOI services, metrash reaches you everywhere. Here's what you need to know more about the app:

• It has more than 220 services for Qatari nationals, expatriates, and companies

• It allows you to complete operations that save time and effort

• It supports Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Hindi, and Urdu languages

• It has secure and encrypted services

•It supports multiple platforms with different screens

• It is available 24/7


The Metrash2 App features complete government services which allow you to:

• Request for Execution Service

• Deliver Documents

• Pay Online

• Execute Operation Automatically

The app also sends notifications to users including reminders and check expiry date prompts. Furthermore, it allows you to fix issues automatically such as getting payment refunds, rollback operations, and technical errors.

What are the Metrash 2 Service Requirements?

• Valid Qatari ID Number

• Registered Mobile Number 

• Paid services require credit card, debit card or bank account payment

How to Activate your Metrash2 App?

1. Download Metrash2 from your App Store or Play Store (It supports multiple platforms).

2. Select Login (6 languages)

3. Activate the Service (For first time use of the application, it requires activation through SMS)

4. Login - Enter password to log into the service

Metrash2 Categories

• Traffic - This category allows you to submit requests for Vehicle Service, Violation Service, Traffic Certificate, Mortgage Services, License Service, Significant Service, Traffic Accident and Invitations & Participations.


• Residency - In this section, you can submit requests for Residency Renewal, Residency Cancellation, Reactivation of Residence Permit (RP), Employees Report, Replacement of Damaged or Lost QID, Residency Fine, Automatic RP Renewal, Passport Change, Residence Permit Issuance, Consumption of Change Sponsorship Approval, RP with Birth Certificate Issuance, and Certificates.


• Visa and National Address - This allows you to avail of Visa Services, External Work Process, Visa Exemption Extension, Visa Issuance, Visa Approval, Visa Follow-up, as well as update your National Address (for Individual Residence or Company).

• Citizens - This is where the Qataris’ Exit Permit, Citizenship Instant Approval, Qatari Document Lost Declaration, Cancel Exit Permit and Qatari Documents Request are being processed.

• Leave Notification - Here you can get Visa Holders Leave Notification, Traveler Transaction, Residents Leave Notification, Return Permit, Employees List for Leave Notification.

• General Services - This includes functions like Report Lost Objects, Police Clearance Certificate Issuance, Metrash, Security Permits, Cheques, Search & Follow-Up Department, Delegate Services, Address Query, Important Locations and Coast Guard Services.

• Communicate With Us - This allows you to send your MoI-related queries through the following functions: Consulting, Community Policing, Traffic, Criminal Complaint (Security Department), CID, Economic & Electronic Reporting, and Contact Us.

What’s New?

• Zero Clicks Concept 

The Electronic Services Department in MoI recently introduced a new concept the – zero clicks services for companies for Automatic Residency Renewal of employees.

• Smart Dashboard

It provides you with everything you need in one screen, including your official papers, vehicles, visas, etc.

• E-Wallet

An official smart wallet with official documents that can be used in MoI service.

Efforts are on to introduce more features with Metrash2 so more users can benefit with better facilities.

Read also: Newly Added Services in Metrash2 for Qatar Residents and Citizens

Latest Statistics of Metrash 2 and Electronic Services of MoI

In the latest "E-Services of the Ministry of Interior,” awareness seminar, statistics show that there are more than 2 million active users of MoI’s application platforms. 

While addressing the seminar, First Lt Ali Ahmed al-Eidrous, officer at Smart Devices Branch at E Services Section of the General Directorate of Information System of MoI said, “Metrash2 has ensured convenience for individuals and companies while helping them avail services without going to government offices and service complexes.”

The most used services in 2020 include: Residency Renewal, Visa Extension, Traffic Violation Payment, Vehicle Ownership Transfer, National Address Registration/Update and Vehicle Renewal.

Furthermore, there were over 6 million recorded government execution transactions using the Metrash2 app last year.

Information Security

The Metrash2 app guarantees encrypted and safe services and also supports most smart devices.

“Information security is ensured with connection to the backend that’s protected with different layers. Metrash2 has multiple level data security by encrypting the information,” added the MoI Chief Official.

Source: Ministry of Interior

By Darlene Regis - August 22, 2021

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