
MOEHE: Weekly Rapid Antigen Test at Schools No Longer Needed

MOEHE: Weekly Rapid Antigen Test at Schools No Longer Needed By Iman Abdalla - May 23, 2022

Students Getting Their Temperature Checked

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) has announced the cancellation of conducting the weekly rapid antigen tests at schools.

The Education Affairs Sector at MOEHE has sent a circular to schools, and the circular stated that based on the cabinet decision to reduce the Covid-19 restrictions and with consultations and coordination between MOEHE and MOPH, the following is decided:

  1. Administrative and Teaching Staff shall continue to wear masks inside the schools and their closed areas such as Teachers' and managers' offices, laboratories, and conference rooms. 
  2. Unvaccinated staff and students are not required to do a quick rapid test for Corona.
  3. Continuation of checking the green code on the EHTERAZ app at the school entrance.
  4. Maintaining the commitment to the conditions specified by MOPH when hosting events.

According to MOEHE, Each school and kindergarten shall take the responsibility for sending an SMS to the student's guardians following the instructions mentioned above.

Furthermore, each school or kindergarten administration is responsible for committing to the circular rules and has to follow up with its execution and implementation starting on Saturday, May 21. 

By Iman Abdalla - May 23, 2022

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