
MOI: Non-Qatari Cars insurance policies can be issued online

MOI: Non-Qatari Cars insurance policies can be issued online By Iman Abdalla - April 30, 2022

Insurance policies can be issued online before passing the Abu Samra border

The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has announced that travelers arriving in Qatar through the Abu Samra border center can get the required insurance policy document via the Qatari Unified Bureau Insurance (QUBI) website.

A manual option of obtaining the insurance policy is also available for those who would like to have it issued at the Abu Samra border counter instead of online.

However, MOI advised that it is best to get the insurance policy electronically before arriving at the border to reduce wait time and enter the state easier. 

To obtain the service online, travelers with non-Qatari vehicles can visit and choose the appropriate vehicle type under the “policies types” section.

The Qatari Unified Bureau Insurance (QUBI) issues third-party insurance policies for Non-Qatari vehicles that enter Qatar. The Bureau staff are available round the clock at the Abu Samra border point.

The statement by MOI can be seen below:

Source: MOI

By Iman Abdalla - April 30, 2022

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