
Capacity increased to 1000 Vehicles a Day for FAHES Industrial area centre

Capacity increased to 1000 Vehicles a Day for FAHES Industrial area centre By Atif Ansari - January 24, 2022

Fahes - Industrial Area

After renovations, the capacity of the Vehicles' Technical Inspection Center (Fahes) in the Industrial Area has increased to 1,000 light vehicles per day.

"From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., the Fahes center in Industrial Area, which was recently reopened after renovation, receives all types of light vehicles for inspection," said Captain Ali Salem Sobeih, the officer in charge of the Fahes center in Industrial Area.

Speaking in a Qatar TV programme yesterday, the officer who is affiliated to the General Directorate of Traffic at the Ministry of Interior said that the center offers a number of services on fast track, including vehicles’ inspection, road permit renewal, transfer of ownership, vehicles’ statement/correction, issuance of paper for painting vehicles and paying charges of damaged number plate.

Sobeih said that the Fahes Industrial Area Center is using some of the most advanced equipment and technologies for vehicles’ inspection, following high levels of safety and security requirements in GCC and the world.

“I would like to assure the motorists that vehicles’ inspection process is fully automated, free from human intervention. The inspection reports are issued through fully computerised system,” said Sobeih.

He advised the motorists to check some basic things in their vehicles before taking them for inspection such as the condition of the vehicles from outside, lighting, indicators, brakes, smoke free of carbon, an appropriate extinguisher cylinder properly mounted at the right place.

Sobeih said that aforementioned things will not only speed up the inspection process at the center but will also ensure 90 percent passing of the vehicles. To a question about the condition of number plate of the vehicles, he said that it is one of the major requirements.

Sobeih said the inspection process is efficient and takes no more than 15 minutes. He urged motorists to keep their vehicles well-maintained for their and other road users' safety. 

By Atif Ansari - January 24, 2022

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