
PHCC Announces Temporary Jobs for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

PHCC Announces Temporary Jobs for FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 By Iman Abdalla - May 08, 2022

One of Primary Health Care Corporation Facilities

The Primary Health Care Corporation announced that it is temporarily hiring workforces in medical specialties for the upcoming FIFA World cup, Qatar 2022.

The Primary Health care corporation has mentioned on its official website that it is looking to fill the General Practitioner, Specialist Family Medicine, Specialist Emergency Medicine, Specialist Internal Medicine, Nurse, and Laboratory Technologist positions.

Applicants can find all the details for the jobs mentioned above on the website that lists education requirements, years of experience, and requirements for each job.

Those interested in applying can submit a request through the website and send a copy of their CV via email with all the needed information specified on the PHCC career page below:

Source: Al Sharq

By Iman Abdalla - May 08, 2022

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