
PHCC Launches 2024/2025 Back-to-School Campaign

PHCC Launches 2024/2025 Back-to-School Campaign By A Robin - September 08, 2024
Primary Health Care Corporation

Primary Health Care Corporation

The Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) will launch on Sunday Sep. 8 the 2024-25 back-to-school campaign coinciding the new academic year start in public schools, kindergartens, and Education Above All schools.

The PHCC said in a statement that the campaign themed student-centered health care aims to develop school health services according to the best standards by integrating the joint efforts of school nursing services providers and recipients, and create a common communication environment between health services providers and recipients and their parents as essential partners in developing and updating school health services.

It pointed out that the campaign includes many different awareness-raising events, activities and training workshops that include distributing brochures, booklets, and messages directed to students and their parents to enhance awareness of the importance of health care centered around student health.

The statement voiced hopes that the campaign would have a positive impact on the largest possible segment of Qatari society, including students and parents, to achieve the campaigns desired goals, in addition to achieving more mutual cooperation with students parents for the benefit of the students.

It added that the PHCC was on the cusp of transforming the conventional school clinics into smart ones that are electronically linked to the health records department at the health centers and are well-equipped with all the necessary medical equipment.


By A Robin - September 08, 2024

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