
Qatar customs foils smuggling attempt of banned narcotics

 Qatar customs foils smuggling attempt of banned narcotics By Joel Johnson - August 30, 2021

Methamphetamine crystals namely ‘Shabo’.

The customs officials at the Air Cargo and Private Airport Department foiled a smuggling attempt of banned illegal substance into Qatar. 

During the carried-out operation of inspecting the banned narcotics, it was found that a Methamphetamine crystals namely ‘Shabo’ was the illegal substance. 

The banned narcotics items weighed 569 grams and was found hidden inside a bag of papers.

The designated customs officials and authorities have been constantly issuing warnings against carrying illegal substances into the country.

The relevant officers at Qatar customs department are given all types of support including the latest devices and continuous training to read the body language of smugglers and is fully equipped with the latest methods followed by those who tries to smuggle illegal contains.

By Joel Johnson - August 30, 2021

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