
Aspetar Organizes Joint Restoration Conference in December

Aspetar Organizes Joint Restoration Conference in December By A Robin - October 31, 2021


The world-leading sports medicine hospital, Aspetar, will host Aspetar Joint Restoration Conference. The Two-day hybrid conference will take place in the Torch Ballroom at Sports City from Dec. 16-17, with two exclusive workshops - Rehab and Surgical Skills - on Dec. 18, 2021.

The conference will bring together internationally renowned sports doctors, sports scientists, physiotherapists, sports tech bods, and experts for an interdisciplinary dialogue on innovative approaches in prevention, regeneration, and rehabilitation in elite sport and sport for maintaining health.

More than 200 healthcare professionals are expected to attend the event physically, and participants will have the opportunity to attend sessions virtually as well. The conference will highlight the newest developments in joint restoration and cartilage repair led by the world's renowned leaders in this field in collaboration with the highly experienced Aspetar staff.

Dr Bashir Ahmed Zikria, Chief of Surgery at Aspetar, said "We are planning the scientific program with the aim to focus on current developments in our field and to report, discuss, and analyze them among scientists and clinical researchers as well as orthopaedic surgeons, and health care providers, who during the conference will illustrate Aspetar's joint preservation treatment algorithm and procedures for cartilage injuries and joint restoration."

The conference offers a unique platform for healthcare practitioners, with the top themes of the event to discuss epidemiology, extent of the problem in athletic population and long-term impact, and explain pathophysiology, anatomy, clinical, and radiological diagnosis and treatment algorithms, indications for conservative treatment, conversion to surgery and proper rehab strategies, and all surgical techniques with special focus in technical tips.

The experts will also outline the best evidenced practice in measuring the outcome and designing surgical treatment and rehabilitation on the last day of the event with two interactive workshops entitled 'Surgical Skills Course' and 'Rehab Course'.


By A Robin - October 31, 2021

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