
Completion of main works in Al Wukair road development

Completion of main works in Al Wukair road development By A Robin - October 30, 2022
Al-Wukair Road

Al-Wukair Road

The Public Works Authority ‘Ashghal’ completed the main upgrading works on Al Wukair Road and some streets in Al-Wukair and Al Meshaf areas, with a total length of 12 km, as part of the Interim Road Improvements in Doha South Project, Phase 1.

Development works involved Al Wukair Road, located to the South of Al Janoub Stadium, and part of Al Ghariya Street at its intersection with Al Wukair Road, in addition to Al Meshaf Street and Street no. 300, which is perpendicular to it. All these routes are now open to traffic. 

On this occasion, Eng. Fatema Salat, Project Manager in Ashghal’s Roads Projects Department’s Southern Areas Section, said: “These works conducted to upgrade Al Wukair Road and other streets, are of great importance, especially as the roads covered by the project are considered strategic routes serving many commercial facilities, schools, and residential compounds. They also cope with the large number of vehicles that use these roads to commute on a daily basis. These are also considered central routes which distribute local traffic to nearby internal streets, and facilitate access to nearby areas, like Al Wakra, Al Wukair, and Umm Besher, among others.”

Eng. Salat explained that the scope of works carried out involved upgrading roads with a total length of 12 km, constructing 7 new traffic-signalized junctions, and converting an existing roundabout into a signalized intersection in order to regulate traffic and enhance road safety. This is in addition to constructing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), developing lighting systems, installing 445 street lighting poles, and providing 380 parking bays. Sidewalks and road signs were also provided as part of the project.

Infrastructure works within the project involved upgrading the foul sewer network (3 km), treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation lines (6.5 km), and surface water and stormwater drainage pipes (19 km) which were carried out at 11m depth using the micro-tunneling method. 

Regarding the remaining works in the project, Eng. Fatima Salat explained that the installation of the interlock and some final works on Al Wukair Road such as electricity supply, softscape works, and site tidiness are currently underway.

Ashghal also added that more than 70% of the materials used in the project were procured from local resources, which came as part of Ashghal’s support to local products and manufacturers under its Ta’heel initiative.??

By A Robin - October 30, 2022

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