
MOTC Qatar Digital Government Training Program Starts Training Plan for Second Half of 2021

MOTC Qatar Digital Government Training Program Starts Training Plan for Second Half of 2021 By Qatar Day - August 09, 2021

MOTC Qatar Digital Government Training Program Starts Training Plan for Second Half of 2021


The Qatar Digital Government Training Program (QDGTP) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) has begun its training plan for the second half of 2021.

Q3 & Q4 training plan, which began early this month, features 96 training courses covering 55 technical subjects; of which 30% are added to the plan for the first time, on top of which are subjects about information security and databases to be conducted with major technology firms like Microsoft and Oracle.

QDGTP pays great attention to the tailoring of its training plans since they shape up a roadmap to help IT employees and professionals at government entities to further sharpen their skills and knowledge at both the personal and professional levels and to obtain more professional certifications.

According to QDGTP data, the number of applications to join Q3 & Q4 courses has so far reached 1835 received from some 52 entities while total training seats are expected to reach more than 1450. QDGTP said it will provide the participants with some 870 Microsoft courses testing vouchers during these fresh trainings.

For the Q1 & Q2 courses, which were launched last Nov. 28, QDGTP delivered 121 training courses and 195 certificates to trainees. The total training seats made available were 1715 and the number of trainees totaled up 1056 from some 68 government entities, while the total application requests reached 3020.

During the first half of 2021, Individual Training Plan (ITP) tool was established for the first time through QDGTP LMS. Total ITPs registered in LMS reached 1760. ITP is one of the most important tools in the training and development field which helps to achieve the training goals by its proper utilization.

QDGTP also offered exam vouchers and reimbursements to facilitate the certification accomplishment. And by conducting virtual trainings due to COVID-19 situation, QDGTP succeeded to double the number of planned training courses by adding more of them. The number of training courses rose from 59 in Q1 & Q2 of 2020 to 121 during the same period of 2021.

QDGTPs Q1 & Q2 training plan had seen a great collaboration with 9 prestigious IT solutions and training providers. Among the scheduled courses, 58% courses were introduced to the target audience for the first time.

QDGTP focuses on supporting Qatars digital transformation of government sectors through providing training solutions focused on enhancing the skillsets and capabilities of ICT professionals of government entities. It aims to build new skills that ICT professionals need to meet the desired performance standards of their roles. (QNA)

By Qatar Day - August 09, 2021

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