
Ministry of Labour Intensifies Inspection at Recruitment Firms

Ministry of Labour Intensifies Inspection at Recruitment Firms By Darlene Regis - June 05, 2022
Ministry of Labour Intensifies Inspection at Recruitment Firms

Ministry of Labour Qatar

The Ministry of Labour (MoL) conducted 33 inspection visits at recruitment offices in May, which resulted in banning three offices and the issuance of one warning.

According to the MoL's Statistical Bulletin, the Labour Inspection Department conducted intensive inspection campaigns last month to monitor establishments' compliance with laws and ministerial decisions concerned with regulating the labour market in Qatar.

The campaigns resulted in 4,262 inspection visits in various regions, and resulted in the detection of 559 violations and a recommendation to ban 39 establishments, while the number of notices to rectify violations issued to companies amounted to 525.

For labour complaints, the bulletin showed that the Department of Labour Relations received, through the unified platform, 2,068 complaints from workers against their establishments, of which 318 complaints were settled, 20 were referred and about 1,730 remained under procedure.

The number of cases referred to dispute resolution committees during the past month reached about 1,696, and the total number of decisions issued by labour dispute resolution committees reached 334, based on the monthly Statistical Bulletin figures on labour dispute settlement committees.

To date, the total number of decisions that are still under procedure reached about 466.

By Darlene Regis - June 05, 2022

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