
Ministry of Labour explains procedure to change residency from family to work

Ministry of Labour explains procedure to change residency from family to work By A Robin - October 29, 2023


The Ministry of Labour (MoL) has rolled out a new e-service, streamlining the transition from family to work residency in Qatar. This service enables residents on non-work permits, such as family visas, to enter the labour market by adjusting their permits to "for the purpose of work."

To initiate the procedure, either the prospective employer can apply to enlist the resident as a worker on MoL's e-platform, or the worker can apply by entering their new employer's details. Verification requires a smart card through the National Authentication System (NAS) and matching phone numbers between the employer and the employee’s QID. All applicants should be registered with the National Address, and employers must have active Establishment Cards (EID) without any suspensions or pending similar applications.

Once conditions are met, approval can be issued. Subsequently, contract attestation begins, fees are settled online, and the change is forwarded to the Ministry of Interior (MoI) for the final transition of residency status.

Launched last week, this e-service aims to bolster private businesses by making the hiring of local residents more efficient and cost-effective than overseas recruitment. It also broadens employment opportunities for residents, letting them contribute actively to the local job market.

Consistent with MoL's digital strategy, the service is designed to simplify interactions, negating the need for in-person visits or paper submissions. MoL's Digital Transformation Team, using the "Agile" engineering method, ensures consistent service enhancement, allowing for monthly updates and new service introductions.

By A Robin - October 29, 2023

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