
Ministry of Social Development to Launch 'Family Charter' on Monday

Ministry of Social Development to Launch 'Family Charter' on Monday By Fathimath Nasli - February 04, 2024
Ministry of Social Development to Launch Family Charter on Monday

Her Excellency Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser Al Misnad

The Ministry of Social Development and Family will launch 'Family Charter' on Monday under the theme: "Family is the treasure of a nation," a step that is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa region.

In a statement, the Ministry said this charter is an important step to strengthen family values and enhance the role of the family in building a strong, sustainable society, adding that it represents the legal framework that governs family relations in the State of Qatar as it focuses on the rights and duties of individuals within the family and seeks to achieve balance and justice in these relationships.

The charter is a constitution for the family and a document that defines the values and principles that govern the family's relationships and interactions in society, and it is classified as a formal agreement between family members to manage expectations and define the decision-making process and responsibilities within the framework of the family partnership, the statement added.

The charter covers many aspects such as the financial and economic rights of individuals as well as educational and health rights, and it also seeks to protect the rights of children and women and to promote the values of justice and mutual respect within the family.

The statement noted that this step will place the State of Qatar at the forefront of countries launching such an initiative that will enhance the international standing of the State of Qatar.

The Ministry stated that the Gulf states, Arab states and other countries could later be invited to join this charter led by the State of Qatar at the family level, given its importance and its relationship to society and societal security.

The statement stressed that this charter represents the most important document for the local community to be guided by principles and ideals that illuminate the path towards achieving family cohesion and continuing social development, considering the family as its nucleus.

Stressing the importance of signing this charter, HE Minister of Social Development and Family Maryam bint Ali bin Nasser Al Misnad said signing it is important to enhance awareness about preserving the family and its stability and promoting its role in society and represents a decisive step towards strengthening family ties and achieving sustainable development by interacting with this charter.

Her Excellency noted that the family is the embrace of individuals not only with care but more importantly with instilling religious and moral values in children, pointing out that the charter focuses on a set of principles and values that regulate family relationships and protect the rights of individuals within the family.

She added that the charter will guarantee every member of the family the right to language and identity, and it also covers the family's duty towards society, duties towards children and parents, the right to national education, the right to protect childhood and motherhood, the right to human development, the right to expression and dialogue, the right to parental care, inherited moral and religious values and mutual respect, and the duty to serve society and the nation.

HE the Minister of Social Development and Family called for active participation in signing the charter to build a society based on religious and moral values.

The Ministry stated that the charter will be inaugurated by signing a pledge on a huge mural that will be launched in the Qatar Foundation with the largest number of signers and will have a positive impact on enhancing awareness and commitment to shared responsibility.

Source: QNA

By Fathimath Nasli - February 04, 2024

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