
Minor Unvaccinated Children Not Allowed Entry to Qatar on Visit or Family Visas

Minor Unvaccinated Children Not Allowed Entry to Qatar on Visit or Family Visas By Qatar Day - September 05, 2021

HIA Qatar

Minor unvaccinated children are not allowed to travel to Qatar on family or tourism visit visas, the Indian Embassy has said in a travel advisory to Indians.

“All Indian travellers may kindly note that as per current travel guidelines issued by MOPH, minor unvaccinated children are not allowed to travel to Qatar on family or tourism visit purposes from some countries, including India, even if they hold valid visas. Do check MOPH website for updated travel guidelines,” the embassy said in a tweet on Sunday.

If you have little children, the new travel rule will make it difficult for you to visit Qatar.

Some people said that they had already booked flights and hotels after receiving visas, and that the new requirement would cost them money.

By Qatar Day - September 05, 2021

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