
MoI Announces Full Preparation of Abu Samra Border Crossing to Receive World Cup Fans Starting Nov 1

MoI Announces Full Preparation of Abu Samra Border Crossing to Receive World Cup Fans Starting Nov 1 By A Robin - October 17, 2022
Abu Samra Border Crossing

Abu Samra Border Crossing

The Ministry of Interior announced the preparation of Abu Samra border crossing to receive the fans of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 starting from November 1,2022, and until the end of the tournament in cooperation with various entities and partners operating in the field of safety & security of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

This came during the press conference held Sunday at the venue of Officers Club of the General Directorate of Civil Defense during which the Official Spokesman for the Ministry of Interior and the World Cup Security Force Colonel Dr. Jabr Hammoud Al-Nuaimi and the Executive Director at the Office of the Commander of the Tournament Security Operations Colonel Jassem Al-Sayed delivered their remarks on this subject, where the Ministry of Interior announced its welcome to the world cup fans who are coming through the state ports, explaining the various measures that should be enforced upon arrival at Abu Samra border crossing, as per Hayya Card granted to all fans categories.

During the press conference, it had been confirmed that, within the framework of the preparation and readiness of Abu Samra land border crossing, the border crossing saw multiple upgradation steps to receive the fans, including the increase made in the number of passport stationary counters at the port designated for visitors from fans, citizens, residents and others including a comfort vent equipped for receiving over 4,000 persons per hour, in addition to providing free comfort transportation means from the border crossing to Al Messila area (Central Doha) and the area of family and friends in Al Qalayel (2 km) away from the border crossing, where the fans can communicate with their friends or families to transfer them to the country or via private taxis.

It was also announced that the measures of the entry of world cup fans via the border crossing would be enforced starting from Nov. 1, 2022, until Dec. 23,2022, as the audience categories who are willing to enter the State of Qatar are requested to use the passport that had been previously used in the registration process on Hayya portal.

With regard to the measures that would be enforced at the port, the procedures were distributed as per categories, where the first category concludes the citizens, residents and gulf people, the holders of Qatari QID and they will normally enter the country as in normal situations, however, the vehicles that transport them should have a Qatari plate placed on the vehicle and carrying Hayya card inn this case is not mandatory.
The second category includes fans with an exceptional entry to the State of Qatar, they are actually the fans who are willing to enter with their own private vehicles, however, their entry is preconditioned with having an entry permit for a vehicle approved on Hayya portal, as the obtainment of this entry permit requires having an approved accommodation reservation through Hayya portal for a minimum period of five nights (for the driver only), and an application for obtaining a vehicle entry permit is submitted through the Hayya portal, and in the event of approval, an email will be sent electronically with a link to insure the vehicle, and upon completion of the insurance, the service applicant must continue issuing the permit after paying the fees of QR 5000 within 24 hours (Non-refundable), and the presence of three people in the vehicle as a minimum, provided that the total number does not exceed six persons, provided that they are all holders of the "Hayya card.

During the conference, it was underscored that the entry permit for the vehicle shall be used one time only (not multiple entry visa), in addition to adhering to never drive in the prohibited areas that were previously announced in the press conference regarding the restriction of traffic within some areas and roads during the tournament period.

The third category includes day one fans, they are those who are coming via Abu Samra border crossing to attend one match or more during 24 hours only, and they can enter and exit without the need to have a hotel booking in advance in the State of Qatar. However, this category of audience should be among the holders of Hayya card (One day fan category), and they should have reserved vehicle parking bays in advance via Hayya portal prior to arriving to the State of Qatar, and the parking bays are free of charge for the first 24 hours from the time of entry, while a service fee of QR 1000 shall be paid for the second day,and the vehicles exceeds the parking duration for 48 hours of entry the vehicle will be towed and QR 1000 towing fee will be paid (Electronic payment is available through a link that will be sent to the fan via his email registered in Hayya platform).
The parking bays booking service will be available starting from Nov. 1,2022, and is accessible through using Hayya card.
In addition, the fourth category includes those who are coming via busses, where all passengers should have Hayya card as a precondition for their entry to the State of Qatar and they should proceed to the arrival terminal to finalize their entry measures then they should aboard the Qatar buses from the port to Doha Central Station (Al Messila), or to the reception area for friends and family outside the port at Al Qalayel.
The fifth category comprises the humanitarian cases those who do not hold Hayya card and enter Qatar through the air ports only, and to receive the permit people should submit application via MoI website:, the request will be considered followed by a response within six hours, and once the requirements are met, the permit will be sent to the applicant via email, however, the permit is for one time use only.

During the press conference, it was agreed that the commercial trucks would be allowed to enter via Abu Samra border crossing during the period from Nov. 15, 2022, to Dec. 22,2022, from 11 pm until 6 am to enable the audience to expeditiously enter the land of the State of Qatar with the requirement of reviewing the conditions with the relevant authorities.


By A Robin - October 17, 2022

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