The League of Arab States has asserted its continued pursuit of coordination with Arab Member States, work on everything that would develop knowledge and raise awareness of the various aspects of migration, develop related policies, enhance Arab part..
HE Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council, Dr. Hamda bint Hassan Al Sulaiti affirmed that social justice and social solidarity are among the main pillars of Qatar National Vision 2030, which is affirmed by the permanent constitution of the State of Qata..
The State of Qatar, represented by the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), reviewed its general policy in the field of digital transformation and the advancement of information technology, during the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)..
The International Conference on integrating human rights into public policies, which is organized by Doha-based Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions, has kicked off today in conjunction with the19th General Assembly of the Arab Network..
The Ministry of Interior (MoI) has announced that travelers arriving in Qatar through the Abu Samra border center can get the required insurance policy document via the Qatari Unified Bureau Insurance (QUBI) website. A manual option of obtaining t..
The State of Qatar participated in the Fourth Meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee in Charge of International Action to Confront Illegal Israeli Policies and Measures in the Occupied City of Jerusalem, which was held on Thursday in Amman in the ..
Prince Hamza bin al-Hussein, a former heir to Jordan's throne who was placed under house arrest last year, announced on Sunday he was giving up his royal title in protest over Jordan's current policies. Hamza was accused last April of tryi..
The Ministry of Labor announced that it had seized two companies, one in the insurance sector and the other in the communications and information technology sector, for tampering with nationalization policies for jobs in the private sector. The mi..
Al Meezan, Qatar's Legal Portal, is a reliable source that contributes in the dissemination of legislations and all legal information in the State of Qatar. The portal has published the "Regulation of the Sponsorship of Expatriates" ..
Qatar Secures Place Among the World's Top 10 Wealthiest Nations
Hamad International Airport Witnesses Record Increase in Passenger Traffic
Saudi Arabia: Any visa holder can now perform Umrah
What are Qatar's Labour Laws on Annual Leave?