
QRCS Launches Four Eye Surgery Camps in Niger

QRCS Launches Four Eye Surgery Camps in Niger By A Robin - August 10, 2023


Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) launched a project to implement four anti-blindness and eye treatment camps for 1,200 poor people in Tillaberi, Niger at a total cost of USD 146,897.

QRCS said in a statement, on Wednesday, that the project will be executed by its representative office in Niger in coordination with Niger's Ministry of Health, through the National Program for Control of Blindness (NPCB).

The project aims to reduce the rates of blindness and eye diseases among the Tillaberi people, by offering free medical examinations and surgeries, distributing medicines and eyeglasses to patients, and holding health education sessions on eye health.

QRCS has a long experience in implementing eye treatment camps in Niger. It established a project to combat blindness and eye diseases for schoolchildren in Maradi in 2012, an eye camp for the people of Zander in 2013 and a project to combat eye diseases through awareness and early detection from 2016 to 2018. These projects had a total cost of USD 464,838.


By A Robin - August 10, 2023

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