
QU launches course to encourage volunteers for Qatar 2022

QU launches course to encourage volunteers for Qatar 2022 By A Robin - June 12, 2022
Qatar University

Qatar University

As part of Qatar University’s (QU) efforts to achieve the vision of Qatar University and to connect students to their community, QU - Deanship of General Studies announced the launch of the “Community Service-Based Learning” (UNIV 220) course, starting in the fall semester of 2022.

This course is considered a cultural heritage of the World Cup because it is part of the Social and Behavioral Sciences group of university requirements. In the fall of 2022, students will engage in many challenging volunteer activities in various World Cup events (FIFA 2022).

This course seeks to develop students’ inclinations toward service and community participation by engaging in exciting volunteer experiences in many fields, including sports, health, environmental, social, and humanitarian. The programme is a type of experiential learning that combines academic study with meaningful participatory community service activities and structured reflective thought on the student’s side. 

This approach is a fruitful educational experience for students to engage in many community events coming to Qatar. Students will participate in at least 40 hours of field community service outside the campus in partnership with various institutions in the country to educate students about the needs of the community and then give them a sense of civic responsibility and development.

Dr. Omar Al Ansari, Vice- President for Academic Affairs at Qatar University, said, “We are excited to prepare the students with the skills to meet the needs and aspirations of society, especially for the largest sports event in the world (FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022). This course will enable the students to achieve the university’s strategic goals.”

For his part, Prof. Ibrahim Al Kaabi, Dean of General Studies at Qatar University, said that the Community Service-Based Learning course allows students to gain practical experiences in various fields of volunteer work and develop their inclinations towards public service and community participation.

Prof. Rana Sobh, Former Director of the University Requirements Program and currently Dean of the College of Business and Economics, stated that according to the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the CSBL is one of the high-impact global practices in the field of public university education. It also helps to meet the requirements for implementing the “experiential education,” which is one of QU’s most important pillars.

She added that the students would learn tthe basic concepts and features of community service, its benefits, and challenges. In addition, the system provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to the urgent needs of society and increases their desire to engage in community work. 

By A Robin - June 12, 2022

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