
Qatar 2022 Fans can stay with family and friends

Qatar 2022 Fans can stay with family and friends By A Robin - March 23, 2022
Football Fans

Football Fans

Qatar World Cup 2022 visitors can also stay with their friends and relatives during the tournament, organisers said on its website.

In the FAQ section about Haya cards in answer to a query if a visitor can stay with family and friends in Qatar at tournament time the organisers answered yes. 

“Your host will need to register your accommodation within the Hayya portal. Currently, up to 10 individuals can be invited as guests by a single host during the tournament. Further information about this will be communicated in due course,” it said.

Official Accommodation Agency website offers a host of options, including hotels, apartments, villas, fan villages and cruise ship cabins. Two cruise ships are listed on the website while information on fan villages is not updated yet. There is a wide range of options via the website with the cost per room/per night starting at around $80.

Even though Official Accommodation Agency website will be the main booking platform for fans during the tournament as it offers a range of accommodation options at fair prices, fans can also book accommodation via hotel/holiday websites or other means, such as holiday letting portals.

Match ticket holders can book any number of nights, however, bookings should align to match attendance dates.

For visitors to Qatar, accommodation validation is mandatory in order to complete the Hayya Card application for fans who wish to stay in the country for more than 24 hours.

Visitors will be able to transfer accommodation from one guest to another by paying admin fee of QR 100.

By A Robin - March 23, 2022

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