
Restaurants prohibited from requiring a minimum order system: MoCI

Restaurants prohibited from requiring a minimum order system: MoCI By A Robin - July 13, 2022


The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) has renewed, through its Twitter account, a reminder to prevent restaurants from requiring a minimum order system that pushes customers to order items they do not need and pay sums of money.

“No minimum charge. It is prohibited to apply a minimum charge requirement that obliges customers to order items they do not need and pay additional sums,” the ministry said in a tweet on Monday.

In 2016, Circular No. 6 of 2016 was issued to all restaurants, hotels, cafes and other similar stores that they must refrain from applying the minimum order system, or what is known as. Minimum Charge and what causes harm to consumers.

The circular obliges the owners of restaurants, hotels, cafes and other similar stores to refrain from imposing extra fees that are exaggerated as a minimum for customer consumption, on the grounds that this system pushes consumers to spend in excess of their real needs.

By A Robin - July 13, 2022

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