
April 2 will be first day of Ramadan in most Muslim countries

April 2 will be first day of Ramadan in most Muslim countries By A Robin - March 23, 2022
Ramadan 2022

Ramadan 2022

The month of Shaaban started on March 4

The International Astronomical Centre (IAC) has announced that the first day of the Holy Month of Ramadan will fall on April 2 in most Muslim countries, according to WAM.

Eng. Mohammed Shawkat Odeh, Director of the IAC, said the month of Shaaban started on March 4, 2022, in most Muslim countries and most of them will monitor the crescent of the Holy Month of Ramadan on 29th Shaaban 1443 Hijri year, corresponding to April 1.

Seeing the crescent on Friday, April 1, is not possible with the naked eye from anywhere in the Islamic world. It can be viewed only with the help of a telescope, but with great difficulty from parts of the west of the African continent. The crescent can be seen on that day with the naked eye with some difficulty in some parts of the Americas, he added.

It is possible to see the crescent with a telescope from parts of the Islamic world on Friday. Due to the occurrence of the conjunction before sunset and the setting of the moon after sunset in all regions of the Islamic world, it is customary under such circumstances for most Islamic countries to announce the start of the Holy Month of Ramadan the next day, which will be Saturday, April 2, for 30 days, he added.

By A Robin - March 23, 2022

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