
MoCI caps bike delivery charge at QR10, vehicle delivery charge at QR20

MoCI caps bike delivery charge at QR10, vehicle delivery charge at QR20 By A Robin - February 12, 2022
Delivery rider

Delivery rider

The Ministry of Commerce (MoCI) and Industry has set the charge for delivery of goods using two-wheelers at QR10 and other vehicles at QR20 and stressed that it was not permissible to increase these rates unless approved by authorities concerned.

The ministry has also capped the “price imposed by the electronic platform on suppliers” at 10 percent of the total order price in the case of marketing, and the price imposed by the electronic platform on suppliers at 19% of the total order price in the event of marketing and delivery.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry notes the need for the commitment by delivery companies that use electronic means and platforms to the provisions of the Ministerial Resolution No. 8 of 2013 regarding the controls and regulations for increasing the price of goods and services.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry noted the need for delivery companies that use electronic means and platforms operating within Qatar to abide by Ministerial Resolution No. 8 of 2013 regarding the controls and regulations for increasing the price of goods and services, by implementing their obligations towards the protection of consumer rights, especially in terms of applying fair pricing, in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations in force, particularly Law No. (8) of 2008 on Consumer Protection.

This measure comes as part of the Ministry’s efforts to regulate and control the price of goods and services within the local market, support the sustainability of economic activity, promote market balance, control inflation rates, and support the purchasing power of citizens and residents.

The Ministry confirmed that, based on the second paragraph of Article (10) of Decree-Law No. (14) of 2011, amending Law No. (8) of 2008 on Consumer Protection, “the supplier may not cause any increase in the price of commodities and services without complying with the principles and controls issued in the Minister's resolution.” 

In effect, the Minister of Commerce and Industries issued Resolution No. (8) of 2013 regarding the controls and regulations for increasing the price of goods and services. This resolution has also defined the standards and conditions for dealing with price increases.

The Ministry stresses the need to adhere to the conditions stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations, and to adhere to the fees of e-marketing and product delivery services, as defined by the rates and wages specified in the contracts submitted to the Ministry.

The Ministry also notes that it is not permissible to apply any increase to the approved wages and rates, except by submitting a request to the Committee Tasked with Determining Maximum Prices and Profit Rates and obtaining its prior approval, once it conducts the necessary evaluation pursuant to the applicable standards and conditions.

The Ministry confirms that anyone who violates the provisions of Article No. 10 of Law No. (8) of 2008 on Consumer Protection will be subject to penalties of up to a fine amounting to QR1 million and/or administrative closure for a period of three months.

The Ministry calls upon all restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, shops, major outlets, and suppliers not to sign contracts with delivery companies that define wages and rates higher than those specified in this circular. The concerned parties must communicate with the competent authorities at the Ministry in the event of incompliance with the above.

By A Robin - February 12, 2022

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